Policies for the websites hosted at saddleback-bsa.com.

10/22/2006. These sites and domain names are provided free of charge to Scout units in the Saddleback district for the use of the unit. The domain (website) name will be in the form of unit999.saddleback-bsa.com. These sites are not on Boy Scouts of America computers and are not supplied by the Boy Scouts of America.

To get a website space a unit needs to be an active BSA unit in the Saddleback District of the Orange County Council, Boy Scouts of America. Email me your request with the following information.
Webmaster name, phone and email address
Committee chair name, phone and email address
Scout/Cub master / Advisor name, phone and email address
The address of any current website you have.
Once I have that I will go through the procedure with the webmaster. It will take a day or so depending on my schedule to get the site set up.


1) Be an adult. This means act like an adult. It also means that while a youth can be responsible for the developing of content and publishing it to the site, an adult needs to be ultimately responsible for the site.

2) Be a Scout. This means act like a Scout and uphold the Scout Oath and Law. And it means that the responsible adult should be a registered Scouter. This provides the unit committee some assurance that the person has been minimally vetted by the Boy Scouts of America.

3) Have one specific person responsible for the website, the webmaster. Provide me with this persons name, phone number and email address. A user id with File Transfer Protocol (FTP) access to the site and a WebID with access to the hosting services web control panel will be provided to the webmaster. When the person serving as the webmaster changes I will provide a new password.

4) Website space is 1024 MB for each unit. This space includes any mail storage is you make use of that option.

5) In general it is expected that the sites will follow the same rules as sites hosted on the OCBSA site (http://webmasters.ocbsa.org/webpolicy.htm) and the general privacy policies for the national BSA website (http://www.scouting.org/sitecore/content/Home/Marketing/Resources/UnitWeb.aspx (3/11/2010)). In particular this relates to appropriateness of content. Links and references to outside sites are acceptable, provided that the sites are appropriate and it is clear that they are off site.

6) Make sure that you have the appropriate ownership, permission and give appropriate credit for things on the site. As an organization the works with youth BSA is very cautions about protecting the identity of youth in photographs, be aware of this and take the appropriate measures. Provide some disclaimer that the unit is responsible for the content of the site. I am not responsible for the content.

7) I do not provide support. I will attempt to assist you in getting set up and solving issues but at some point you are on your own. The hosting service, DreamHost, has online wikipedia, user forums and support that you can use to resolve issues.

8) You are not to add any features that will incur cost to me. If you need more than I am providing for free there are other options available.

9) I reserve the rights to and ownership of domains (saddleback-bsa.com and saddleback-bsa.org) and subdomains and the hosting space. The content of the sites remains the property and responsibility of the units. If there are issues I have the final word. These policies can be updated, and a notice will be sent to the unit webmasters.

Jon Lagerquist